Professional Repertoire

Just as a good cook likes to work with a sharp knife, so do I in my profession and that comes in form of a unix based operating system. Working with Windows is for sure possible, but it's also less enjoyable.

Tech Stack

The following technologies or frameworks are a selection of my current taste. These would be my picks if I'd come to choose what to work with (well aware that some of them could be named in multiple categories).

  • Front-EndReact JS, Next JS, Tailwind CSS, Chakra UI
  • Back-EndJava, Koa JS
  • InfraAnsible, Zuul CI, Docker, Vagrant
Please see the unstructured list below for a more complete insight about what I worked with in the past. Since some of the mentioned ones require prerequisites, I will limit the list to provide a general overview.
  • Full-StackVue JS, Bootstrap, Grails, JSF, Thymeleaf, HAProxy, Traefik, NGINX, JBoss, Tomcat, Redis, PostgreSQL, Objective-C, Swift, Ruby on Rails, ELK Stack, Spring Framework, Hibernate, REST, GIT, SVN, Debian, CentOS.
As I came in touch with a lot of technologies over the years, if you can't find what you're looking for, you're more than welcome to get in touch with me via .

Career Path

2007 - 2010Apprenticeship in application development
2010 - 2013Software Developer
2013 - 2015Software Consultant
2016 - 2018Senior Software Developer
2018 - 2021International IT-Consultant
A more detailed listing can be found on my LinkedIn profile.